Sign up below to download the two Guides: What Municipalities Need to Know about Canada’s Net-Zero Emissions Building Codes, and The Municipal Guide to Net-Zero Energy Ready Building Codes.


What Municipalities Need to Know about Canada’s Net-Zero Emissions Building Codes shows how to use the upcoming net-zero emissions codes as a lever to accelerate climate action. Each section of the guide offers concise information related to the development of Canada’s national net-zero emissions building codes, and key factors that must be considered in its development and implementation.

The Municipal Guide to Net-Zero Energy Ready Building Codes contains everything you need to understand tiered codes, the advantages of adopting an ambitious tier, and how municipalities can use the new codes to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. Learn how your municipality can use model code adoption to reach your net-zero goals, capture a range of energy and non-energy benefits, and lay the foundation to reach net-zero emissions.